Personal Health Intiative Training

Archive for December, 2013

The Journey

Sometimes it takes years to learn a lesson. We either learn through joy or pain and most people learn through pain. I have twelve weeks left until the competition. For the first four weeks, I kept thinking…” Oh my God, I have this many weeks to go…” Then, I read an article of another competitor who said her coach told her to make the best of her prep time. She can either get through it begrudgingly, or enjoy the journey.

So I am taking one day at a time. But, I am enjoying the journey. I’m being creative with my food, and experimenting with my training. Rather than thinking about being alone, I think about being in control. I have lost 9 pounds which is awesome! And I don’t feel totally horrible. This prep is a part of my life but it does not control my life. That is the difference this time around.

Oatmeal Banana Protein Cookies

So I made a little treat for myself on Christmas Eve. Although it is okay to have cheat meals every now and then at this point in my prep, I do not want to go overboard. I have been viewing Pinterest a lot and I came across a very simple recipe for oatmeal cookies. I added my own touch with protein of course.

For this recipe you will need:
2 bananas
1 cup of oats
1 small package of walnuts
1 scoop of chocolate protein powder
4 tablespoons of shredded unsweetened coconut
A little bit of unsweetened almond milk to help moisten

Combine all ingredients in a bowl until mixed well. Divide into 9 or more small cookies. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.  They are great for a post workout meal.


Oatmeal Banana Protein Cookies

So I made a little treat for myself on Christmas Eve. Although it is okay to have cheat meals every now and then at this point in my prep, I do not want to go overboard. I have been viewing Pinterest a lot and I came across a very simple recipe for oatmeal cookies. I added my own touch with protein of course.

For this recipe you will need:
2 bananas
1 cup of oats
1 small package of walnuts
1 scoop of chocolate protein powder
4 tablespoons of shredded unsweetened coconut
A little bit of unsweetened almond milk to help moisten

Combine all ingredients in a bowl until mixed well. Divide into 9 or more small cookies. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.  They are great for a post workout meal.


5 lbs down

So I am three weeks into my prep and I am still alive! Today was kind of tough and I had to really get myself going. I have made a few adjustments in my diet because I do not want to lose a lot of muscle mass. I am going to keep my carbohydrate intake where it is until January.  After New Years, I will get on the scale and go from there. I refuse to let the scale drive me crazy this time. My clothes are fitting loosely which means I have lost inches and that is what matters. I have decided to do Fit Body and Figure this time so what really matters is how I look…not the scale.

Tomorrow I will start practicing my posing. Slowly but surely things are coming together! 13 weeks to go to the show!

Week One Down Update/Food

The first week is always the hardest but if you make it through without cheating on your diet, going crazy at work, and being nice to your spouse…you should be good! Lol! It was a little rough because I had some major cravings. Each morning I got up to workout and realized I couldn’t have a granola bar, honey, or any of my usual pre-workout treats. I managed to get by with my chicken, tuna, sweet potatoes, oatmeal (YUMMY) and vegetables. 

I have found a new thermogenic that really helps control my cravings and provides enough energy throughout the day. (MHP Dopamite). My cardio is not full on yet so I’m not exhausted. Starting 16 weeks out allows me more time to lean out so I am not rushing the process. I have already lost 4 lbs which is great! I will weigh again in a few weeks….I am never doing every week again because I refuse to drive myself crazy. Plus the scale does not tell me what my bodyfat percentage is. When I go back to the YMCA, I will have them measure it.

This week’s meals include stewed chicken and tomatoes, tilapia, chocolate protein powder, coconut oil, coconut flour, spinach, kale, cucumbers, oatmeal, grapefruit and sweet potatoes.

Off to a great start!

Murphy’s Law

3rd day in and I’m hanging tough! I still have plenty of energy but cravings come every now and then. My strategies to combat the sugar cravings include drinking tea, chewing gum, and drinking water. After about 2 weeks, they get better and the body adjusts. The human body adapts very well to many environments and you can control much more than you think you can. I always get offered food when I can’t have it. Lol…it seems to be inevitable. I think the universe is testing me to make sure I am committed to my goal. Yesterday I came home to a sweet potato pie sitting on the stove, today I was offered a chocolate cupcake, and I even won Staff of the Month at work! Guess what the reward was? A free meal!!! Go figure! Just when I can’t have it, the goodies rear their ugly heads. Thankfully this is my 4th prep so I have A LOT of self-control.


You know the old Murphy’s law rule. If anything can go wrong it will. Now I am not saying that anything is going wrong, but whenever you are faced with a challenge, you will have to withstand obstacles. These obstacles are not going to be ordinary. If you are reaching for an extraordinary goal, you will face extraordinary obstacles. I was asked today if I could just eat the frosting off of the cupcake…just a little! Of course I declined, and eating frosting is certainly such a simple thing to people who do not compete. However; for me, it makes a huge difference. Little things become big things and one taste of sweet can turn into a whole bunch of sweets! I will stick with my tea and gum for now. But I did request a whole cake to be made for me to eat on March 24th! And yes, I might eat the whole thing. 🙂

If being a natural bodybuilder was an easy task then I am sure more people would do it. But, it is not easy, it is a lifestyle that requires discipline and commitment for a specific amount of time. As with any goal, the good news is that if you just stick with it, fight through the obstacles and continue to find strategies to finish the task, you will be just fine. Being comfortable is not they way to live. You need to get uncomfortable sometimes if you ever want to accomplish great things!

December 1st

Today is the start of a new month but for me, this day represents so much more. I have decided to compete again and today is the start of my prep. This time is different because I am creating my own plan and the thought of taking control is scary and exhilarating. I’ve had a lot of help since I started competing. My coaches have taught me the best ways to train and diet and I know what works for me and what does not. I would love to have a personal coach but finances will not allow it this time and I have the strongest confidence that I can do it. I’ve been down this road before and I created my own plan when I went from 175 lbs to 135 lbs before I started competing. I have also earned my personal training certification that enables me to understand the science behind what I am doing. I also have my friend CJ who will check in on me and hold me accountable. So here we go! My training and diet plan are done and I am ready. 16 weeks to go!

I have been doing a lot of reading and listening to motivational books…on the way home from visiting my family yesterday,I heard this poem from Napoolean Hill’s Law of Success. I am going to commit this poem to memory because I think it describes all of the emotions that a competitor goes through:

If you think you are beaten, you are
If you think you dare not, you don’t,
If you like to win, but you think you can’t
It is almost certain you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow’s will
It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But soon or late the man who wins